Regrettably the committee have taken the unprecedented decision to cancel the Annual Gala Dinner scheduled for 22nd February. Very poor ticket sales have sadly led to this unfortunate conclusion.

However, in an effort ensure some kind of continuity with this important Club event and to support those who have already reserved tickets, a provisional reservation has been made with the Talk of the Town for 15th March. This is a more intimate venue with seating at round tables and limited to 80 diners . The meal will comprise a super, plated three course menu with plenty of choices, details of which will be sent to you if you are able to attend. Refunds will, of course, be available to those that are unable to make it.

It is really important to reply ASAP confirming or otherwise your availability to attend this revised function as the Talk of the Town are only holding the reservation open for one week. For those that couldn’t make it originally there is the possibility of buying tickets for the 15th March. Ticket price remains unchanged at £30.00 (same conditions apply) and is significantly subsidised by the Club.

Fingers crossed for a wonderful evening. Please reply to either myself , John or Gary.


When reserving tickets please detail any dietary issues/requirements.

Please note our NEW BANKING DETAILS – these should be used for all future payments to VMCC Isle of Man Section.

Lloyds Bank Vintage Motorcycle Club IOM Section

Sort code: 30-12-80 Account number: 53321560

Payee reference: your name

Categories: Uncategorized


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